Friday, July 26, 2013

Ten-Year-Old Self

What did you love to do as a 10-year old?

Did you have a lemonade stand or a newspaper route? Did you enjoy playing a musical instrument? Perhaps you were a promising engineer, taking apart bicycles and lawnmowers to craft a wacky raft for your town’s annual competition.

At a time when you’re looking to the future and planning your retirement lifestyle, it might seem pointless to reflect on your life when you were in the 5th grade. Ironically, remembering how you enjoyed spending your time when you were 10 may be the best place to find clues as to how to spend your time in retirement.

This idea came to me while speaking with a group of 5th grade girls who were attending a career exploration day. In my welcoming speech, I explained that while they were going to learn from adults about a variety of careers, they might learn more by paying attention to what they love to do right now—that as adults we often learn more about ourselves by remembering what we loved to do when we were 10 years old.

To illustrate, I told the girls about the popcorn ball business I had when I was in 5th grade. To set my business apart from the others, I carefully hand picked un-popped kernels from each batch of popcorn before mixing in the hot sugar syrup. My popcorn balls came in three colors and were individually wrapped with matching ribbons. After being in business for only a few days, students were waiting for me to get off the school bus so that they could buy my product. In fact, my popcorn balls were so popular that Mrs. Daly, my 5th grade teacher, even asked for the recipe (but I didn’t give it to her!)

Considering the age of my audience, this analogy may have been lost in interpretation. But, for my current audience—retirees who are searching for something to be passionate about—remembering what you loved to do as a child is a great way to reconnect with your true self.

Honestly, the “popcorn ball girl” better describes my inner drive, talents, and where I derive satisfaction than the latest professional position I held as a college administrator. As I build my retirement consulting business, it is the popcorn ball girl who’s responsible for the motivation. She’s busy at work (and enjoying every minute) doing what she’s designed to do.

How about you? What did you love to do as a child? Make a list and look for clues that reveal the “real you.” Then create opportunities to reconnect with this inner child.

In the process, you’ll find a source of motivation and fulfillment that may have been dormant during the years when you were busy making a living.

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