Friday, May 6, 2016

Altering the Course of My Life

(This post is purposely brief to demonstrate that it only takes 250 words to alter the course of your life.)

When was the last time you did something that altered the course of your life?

You may believe a life-altering experience requires something so big that you decide, "What's the use? I don't have any BIG ideas. That is what happens to people who are smarter, braver, richer…"

I might agree if not for the stories from people who make big changes in their lives by taking small steps, not knowing where they are going, but refusing to stand still. According to author Elizabeth Gilbert, "any motion whatsoever beats inertia, because inspiration will always be drawn to motion."

I love the idea of inspiration being drawn to motion—a genie's bottle that once rubbed releases ideas and opportunities. Frans Johansson of The Click Moment agrees, "By taking action, you open up a wide range of new ideas, possibilities, and connections." By putting something into motion, you "create something for these forces to latch on to. You must actually do something, even if you are not sure where it will lead."

You don't have to do something BIG to release these forces. One woman applied to volunteer in the National Parks for a summer. In her words, "I felt it was right. The experience would be a once in a lifetime opportunity, and that by sending the application, I was altering the course of my life."

Put something into motion. Send the email. Make the phone call. Submit the application. Actions are the way to alter the course of your life!

Copyright 2016 Patrice Jenkins. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

Margot said...

Hi Patrice,

I loved it when you told me, "Life rewards action." It adds to the excitement-wondering where the action will lead.
