Friday, March 19, 2021


In retirement, it's easy to fall into what authors Joel Malick and Alex Lippert call "retirement drift." This is when you start out strong being true to your retirement goals and intentions, but gradually one thing slips by, then another, and before you know it, you're drifting through retirement instead of driving retirement. If this describes you, I want to help you get back on course and in the driver's seat.

Antidote to Retirement Drift

The antidote to retirement drift is to complete a Life Focus Form every month, or more often. Let me explain.

I use a call focus form when meeting with my coaching clients. The form brings direction to our calls and keeps the client moving toward his or her goals.

A friend and I decided to start using the form on our bi-monthly Zoom calls. And so, when I filled out the form for today's call, it dawned on me that this form is what will keep me from sliding into retirement drift. By keeping a written record of what I'm doing and what I'm aiming for, and sharing it with my friend, I'll live each day with purpose and intent. 

I share my form with a friend because that's how it works best. I call this your accountability partner. Don't get hung up on the word "accountability." For some people, retirement is finally the time when you don't have to be accountable to other people, especially someone who will hold you to your word.

In retirement, an accountability partner is not someone who is going to make you do what you DON'T want to do. Instead, you need this person so that you do what you DO want to do. An accountability partner is someone who holds you close. Someone who cares about your happiness and life satisfaction. Someone who won't let you disappoint yourself.

Here is a suggested form to get started. If these areas don't resonate with you, then experiment with what does work. If you have a good idea, please share it with our readers in the comment section below. 


  1. Actions I have takes since our last call:
  2. Insights since our last call:
  3. New opportunities that have come my way:
  4. Current opportunities to explore are:
  5. During our next call, I most want to focus on:
Let's all drive this next stage of life with intention and purpose.

Copyright 2021. Patrice Jenkins. All Rights Reserved.


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